Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another Slow Day

Yet another slow, quiet day. I probably won't be doing much outside of playing Agarest and watching streams. Speaking of streams, there's another Marvel 3 stream. The tournament is supporting relief for Japan. You can find the stream once again, here:

If you like Melty Blood, please check out this channel:
It contains a large amount of tournament matches from Japan with their new Arcade setup of MB:AACC.
Melty Blood is a great game, and not too many people know of it. The doujin fighter style may look strange at first, but it's very easy to get into.
Have a great day, guys.


  1. lol sorry to hear that. i wasted my weekend trying to look for cars... found one potentially good

  2. New Melty Blood setups? I haven't seen this game in quite some time.

  3. Played MVC3 Last night bro, and i can now say i got my Team, i used to play with Spidey cuz he rocked in Marvel superheroes but sucks big time here so now my team is SPENCER, WOLVIE and AKUMA.

  4. I really like slow days, personally, they let me just think and ponder, and give me time to relax! haha

  5. Melty Blood actually looks pretty good.

  6. Thanks for that, I like Melty Blood.

  7. its good that theres support for japan

  8. Thanks so much! I also have a new blog about gaming you should check it out you might like what you see! I'm sure you will find something you will like.
