Thursday, March 31, 2011

Record of Agarest

I ended up buying a game called Record of Agarest War. I almost ended up reserving the next one, but decided not to. It's a pretty interesting game. It's a SJRPG (Strategy Japanese Role Playing Game) with the usual party members and random encounters. What made this game stick out for me though, is it's "Soul Breeding" function. Through each "Generation", you meet 3 excessively attractive girls along your quest. Depending on the actions you chose (much like a dating sim), you'll end up marrying one of them. The character for the next generation/quest will be the offspring of the previous two, which determines what abilities they get and which weapon they're more skilled with. I thought this was a really cool addition, which adds a lot of replay value. I just started the game on Hard, and it's a little difficult since I have no idea what I'm doing. I think the game would be a lot more fun if it had Namco's FR-LMBS (Flex Range Linear Motion Battle System) that they use in their ever so popular Tales of~ games.

I went to Tapioca Express for the first time in a long time yesterday and saw some people playing Marvel 3. Not only did the drink taste amazing, but I had a great time playing Marvel. I thought it was cool that one of the employees came and played with us, and scraped my friend in Street Fighter. All in all, it was an interesting day.

I made chili for the first time a couple days ago. It came out pretty good.


  1. I think I played that once... I wasn't that impressed

  2. You made chili? Cool. You should try my fried eggs. I'm a genius.

  3. This game looks interesting. Better than dungeons and dragons, no doubt! This is a great post. I am now following you.

  4. I never played anything like this, I don't know if it will keep my attention

  5. Never played this genre before. Sounds interesting!

  6. Gotta love those japanese RPG games.

  7. I've been meaning to play this game. Looks interesting.

  8. Never got into that game, shall give it a go sometime!

  9. Only Japan would mix a dating sim with a tactical RPG lol

  10. hm i was thinking of getting the game, now i might have to!

  11. I like that theres so much replay ability due to the combos of 'marrying' you can do. Funny concept.. and glad to see a fellow Touhou fan.

    Following :D

  12. you had me at "3 attractive girls"

  13. Fuuuu this doesnt sound like my kinda of game and define Attractive girls

  14. Eh I don't eat beans. I like chili without it though.

  15. love chillie. gotta get me a recepie

  16. The whole concept of a SJRPG is new to me.

  17. Thanks for the review - Dabled with this sort of thing when I was younger but started to lose interest. Dry plots and boring characters

  18. I made a new type of rolled pasta the other day, I was worried how it would turn out.

  19. is it only for XBOX 360 or is there a PC version of that game?

  20. SJRPG? that's definitely a new term to me

  21. Yeah, it's a fun game. Not too expensive either =)
